Modern refinancing loan

interest from 5.49% to max. 9.49% per year *

Modern refinancing loan

interest from 5.49% to max. 9.49% per year *

Advantages of consolidation in Slovenská sporiteľňa

Loan from 300 to 40 000 euros. Get extra money. You pay off old loans and you can borrow "new money"

You can pay less with us per month. Interest rate from 5.49%. Repay only one loan

You cab get a loan fast online in George, in less than 10 minutes

Extra payment once a month from us via George, at least it is 20 euros and at most three times the monthly payment

100% discount
on processing fee

Early repayment and extraordinary payments free of charge when implemented by 31 December 2022

Consolidation dictionary

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