- Payment instrument for foreign trade
- The bank acts as your agent and is responsible for proper collection of documents value
- The bank will issue the document to the importer only after payment of their counter value or bill acceptance
- Easy payment instrument from the view point of costs, easy to manage
- Collection procedure is secured in accordance with the international Uniform Rules for Collections
The bank makes sure that the documents issued by the seller will be given to the buyter after fulfilling collection conditions:
- Issuing documents against payment
- Issuing documents against bill acceptance
- Issuing documents after fulfilling other collection instructions (e.g. against submitting bank guarantee)
We differentiate between these types of documentary collections:
Importer – if you are an importer, the bank will inform you of the collection conditions and when you fulfil them the documents will be issued to you
Exporter – if you are an exporter (seller), the bank will send to the collection bank (bank of the importer) documents with collection conditions, on the basis of your written order.
The documents will be issued to the importer only after the collection conditions are fulfilled.
Benefits for the importer
- If the documents are issued at your disposal against bill acceptance, you will get to the products prior to payment
- Collection is simple and affordable
- You have the guarantee that before the payment you can control issued documents confirming goods delivery
- you have the possibility to have your financial resources at your disposal until submitting collection payment order
Benefits for the exporter
- If a bill is a subject to the collection, we will secure the collection in accordance with the Bill and Cheque Act and we will secure its objection for non-payment or non-acceptance.
- If disposal documents (bill of lading) are subject to the collection, they are issued to the importer only after payment or bill acceptance
- In comparison with letter of credit, collection is cheaper and easier
- If you have trust in the importer, you can offer him deferred payment and increase their competitiveness in this way