
Is the land as one of the top values for you? We will be glad
to help you, to stay in touch with the land in the future as well.


Is the land as one of the top values for you? We will be glad to help you, to stay in touch with the land in the future as well.

InvestEU Sustainability Guarantee Loan

Get advantageous financing for sustainable enterprises and green investments.

Business Account for entrepreneurs

For natural persons entrepreneurs. Obtain a lot of advantages included in the price of the account.

Business Account for Companies

Choose the type of account that is the most suitable for your business needs.


Convenient management of your business finances. In EUR and in other currencies. 

SPORObusiness funds

Favourable conditions for remitting funds. Remitting resources of the social and reserve funds. 

Instalment loans

Even the absence of your own resources allows you to continuously finance the operational and investment needs.

Bank Overdraft Loan

A loan in the form of overdraft on current account. An effective tool of flexible cash flow management.

Internetbanking George

Overview about your funds 24/7. You can make a payment anywhere.


A modern electronic banking developed for the specific needs of companies. 

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