Transparent account

A unique product with comfortable viewing of the purpose of the use of resources

We have solution for your organisation

  • Non-profit sector

    Non-profit organizations also need financial resources in order to be able to keep their mission alive. Come to us for advice.

  • Towns and townships

    We adjust for each town or township. We are your long-term and reliable financial partner.

  • Schools and kindergartens

    Education is one of the most important social values and therefore we support you in your finances.

  • The Church

    Sacral buildings deserve financing to maintain their spirit. With our helping hand you can handle it.

  • Apartment houses and associations of apartment owners

    Let us know your vision and we will let you know about the options we have for you.

  • Organisations established by the government

    Are you looking for help to develop projects or the financing expenditures of your organisation? 

  • Municipal and budgetary organisations

    Managing public resources will be simple and comfortable for you with our bank.


    Contact us