Loan for apartment
buildings supported
by the Council
of Europe Development
Bank (CEB)

Loan for apartment
buildings supported
by the Council
of Europe Development
Bank (CEB)

Loan benefits

Financing for the renovation of apartment buildings with environmentally friendly solutions that improve living conditions for their residents.

Interest rate

  • fixed (for 3, 5 or 10 years) or floating (linked to Euribor)
  • reduced for the full term of the loan thanks to CEB support

20 000 euro

Minimum loan amount for one project

Up to 1.5 million euro

Maximum loan amount for one project

For owners of residential and non-residential premises in an apartment building managed by an association of owners of residential and non-residential premises or a housing administration company

Important information

  • A CEB-backed loan can cover at most 50% of total project costs. The other half of the investment costs can be covered from standard financing or you can bring in the Repair Fund of your apartment building, EU funds or government support.  
  • As a rule, the maturity period is up to 25 years.
  • No material collateral (tangible / intangible assets) or other guarantee is required for loan provision. 

Eligible loan purposes

Projects / investments aimed at reducing the energy demands of apartment buildings and protecting the environment, such as:

  • installing more energy-efficient windows and doors
  • renovation of balconies and loggias
  • measures to improve insulation and reduce energy losses from the building envelope (roof and wall insulation)
  • energy efficiency measures in relation to the envelope or architectural structure of a building that improve the building’s thermal properties or help to reduce energy consumption (insulation of basement ceilings, outdoor sun-blinds, green roofs)
  • installation of charging stations for electric vehicles
  • replacement of lighting (e.g. LED installation) and related systems (e.g. motion-sensitive lighting)
  • replacement of lifts
  • control systems and systems for measuring energy use and monitoring actual power / consumption

Projects / investments aimed at improving living conditions for residents of apartment buildings in towns and villages and increasing social cohesion, such as:

  • community gardens for apartment buildings
  • shared facilities for cultural, sports and other activities in an apartment building
  • investment in the construction and renovation of roads / footpaths, public lighting
  • planting of greenery and installation of children’s playgrounds
  • nature-based solutions and investments in green infrastructure (investments in irrigation systems, construction of own wells for garden irrigation, retention tanks to hold rainwater)

The loan uses support from the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB), whose mission is to promote social cohesion in Europe.

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